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الثلاثاء، 18 فبراير 2014

Suez Canal / Egypt

History record that the state made ​​its first industrial canal across its territory to connect the Mediterranean red by the Nile and its branches, and the first third of the established Snosert one of the kings of Egypt and opened in 1874 BC. M. then neglected and reopened several times:

Channel King Senusret III in 1874 BC. M
- Channel Seti I in 1310 BC. M
- Channel Necho in 610 BC. M
- Dara first channel in 510 BC. M
- Channel Ptolemy II in 285 BC. M
- Romans channel (Rajan) in 117 BC. M
- Channel Faithful in 640 AD.
- Suez Canal was the first canal linking the Red Sea and the Mediterranean and immediately opened for international navigation in the November 17, 1869.
- Egypt nationalized the Suez Canal on July 26, 1956.
- Shut down the channel 5 times, most recently and most dangerous because of the circumstances of the aggression of June 1967 "and continued closed for a period of 8 years."

 Has been re-open the channel for navigation in the June 5, 1975.

The characteristics of the navigation channel

- Overall Length 190.250 km
- Shamandoura of luminous lighthouse to Port Said 19.500 km
- From the waiting area to the southern entrance of 8,500 km
- From Port Said to Ismailia 78.500 km
- From Ismailia to Port Tawfiq 83.750 km
- The length of 78 km dual parts
- Showing Page water (North / South) 280/345 m
- The width between the buoys (North / South) 195/215 m
- Channel depth of 22.5 m - Depth unauthorized ships to cross 62 feet
- Water space sector 4800/4350 AD
- Maximum static load 210,000 tons
- The speed limit for tankers loaded with 13 km / h
- The speed limit for the empty vector 14 km / h

 Overall Length 190.250 km - from Shamandoura luminous lighthouse to Port Said 19.500 km - from the waiting area to the southern entrance of 8,500 km - from Port Said to Ismailia 78.500 km - from Ismailia to Port Tawfiq 83.750 km - the length of 78 km dual parts - page display water (north / south ) 280/345 AD - the width between the buoys (North / South) 195/215 m - channel depth of 22.5 m - depth unauthorized crossing vessels 62 feet - an area of ​​water section 4800/4350 m - maximum static load 210,000 tons - the speed limit tankers loaded with 13 km / h - the speed limit for the empty vector 14 km / h

Navigation features in the Channel

The longest canal in the world without locks. 

 Navigation by day and night.

 The rate of accidents in which very small when measured against the other channels.
- Could be extended and deepened at any time according to the evolution of ship sizes.
- The introduction of the electronic control system for navigation, including advanced radar systems.
- Has become the channel to allow supertankers to cross a blank
The effect of the channel on the World Trade

- The distance between the port of Jeddah (Saudi Arabia) and the port of Constanta (Black Sea) 11771 miles from the Cape of Good Hope, while the distance 1698 miles only through the Suez Canal, thus fulfilling the canal and fled in a distance of around 86%.
- The proportion of savings in the distance between Tokyo in Japan, and the Port of Rotterdam in the Netherlands, compared with 23% via the Cape of Good Hope.

Use of the Suez Canal in the transfer of 7% of the world's seaborne trade and 35% is transferred to and from the ports of the Red Sea and the Arabian Gulf, while 20% to and from the ports of India and Southeast Asia, and 39% is transferred to and from the Far East

Navigation system in the Channel

- The first of Port Said and the transit time starts 100.
- Second: Port of transit time and starts 700.
- The third of Suez and the transit time starts 600.
- Counseling mandatory for all ships in the canal transit, and 4 share guidance counselors on each ship.

- The speed limit for ships in transit between 13 and 14 kilometers per hour, depending on the type and cargo except in the southern sector The speed of between 11 and 14 km based on the direction of the tidal stream and speed


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